Our Departments
Internal Exam Sem I 2024-28
Internal Exam Sem IV session 2022-26
Internal exam Sem II session 2023-27
Notice for Kabaddi Pratiyogita
About The Department
Why to Study?
- To promote a robust cultural literary and a full-blooded communicative competence of English language proficiency as a natural by-product.
- To render English studies relevant in a richly diverse multilingual and multicultural world.
- To produce employable and in-demand graduates who can act ethically, make decisions, solve the problem effectively and communicate efficiently.
- To give every students a share in the enlightened life of the mind and spirit and to unlock the speaker, thinker and writer in every students.
- They have various opportunities in Education, Law, Journalism, Research, Public Relation, Publishing house, Mass Media, Freelancing, Editing, Advertising Media etc.
Departmental Highlights
Course Structure
Four Year Under Graduate Programme covers MJ-I to MJ-20 or Paper -I to Paper-XX for sem.-I to Sem-VIII. This is for English Major students. Again there are papers for English Minor, MDC English, Research Methodology and Academic Writing and composition etc. for Bachelor’s Degree (Honours with Research) as advance major courses, English Ability Enhancement courses etc. Maximum papers have provision of both internal and external evaluation but some paper have provision of only external evaluation.
Departmental Highlights
The department arranges classes, organizes various co-curricular activities, guest lecture, Student-exchange and Teacher-exchange programme, remedial class, counselling services, seminar, Quiz, Speech Competition, Inter-departmental competition and encourages students for self-expression. The department helps in brining complete personality development of our students.
The department has a separate lecture room with a lecture desk, black board and a projector, there are some English Books, Dictionaries, Encyclopedia and magazines in library for English major and other students. They have access for online study materials through Inflibnet and college website.
Students Progression Reports
Session | Students Appeared | Students Passed | Pass % |
2018-19 | 50 | 49 | 98% |
2019-20 | 50 | 50 | 100% |
2020-21 | 76 | 71 | 93.42 |
2021-22 | 106 | 71 | 66.98% |
2022-23 | 97 | 91 | 93.81% |
Seminar & Workshop
Faculty Members
Assistant Professor || Department of English