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Internal Exam Sem I 2024-28
Internal Exam Sem IV session 2022-26
Internal exam Sem II session 2023-27
About The Department
Why to study this subject in Department?
- To get knowledge of different types of plants.
- To Acknowledge the uses and characteristics of plants to influence in the field of science medicine & Cosmetics.
- To study the development of biofuels and alternative to fossil fuels.
- To understand the importance of environment its protection and its conservation.
- To get traditional knowledge of botany of its plantation.
- To acquire knowledge & practical of economic productivity
- To study crop resistance and its growing techniques
Infrastructure Of The Department
- The infrastructure of Botany Department at Sariya College, Suriya includes modest technology, smart class room and lecture room.
- Equipped with basic laboratory facilities to meet essential needs for practical knowledge.
- Also include Green small garden in campus.
Department Highlights
Curriculum Increases the courses in botany cover ranges of topics such as plant behaviour, anatomy, genetics, ecology, taxonomy and physiology etc. and also provide mix core course to cover all aspects of education in Botany including the tour and project as a part of curriculum.
Well equipped Laboratory
Botany has modest Laboratory facilities to carry out all the major practical classes. Students are being provide with sufficient practical equipment and with proper guidance to support research and practical learning activities.
Biodiversity Awareness programs
Departments conducts Seminar and field Works to raise awareness about the need to conserve plants, to grow herbal wealth and also teacher students about me concepts of biodiversity Conservations
Dedicated faculty
Department have highly qualified, cooperative and experienced faculty, well dedicated towards Teaching learning process for students.
Educational Trips
Botany department can organize trips to botanical gardens and museums to teach students about plant species and research techniques.
Teaching Method
Botany department use modern teaching aids like audio-visual methods, computer power point method with lecture cum demonstration method.
Collaboration Research
Botany department can have research projects such as submitting research projects to funding agencies.
Syllabus of Botany Department
Course Structure
Curriculum Plan Of Botany Department
- Course: Botany may include common courses, core courses, complementary courses and open courses and a project.
- Topics: A botany program may cover topics such as Taxonomy, Anatomy, Genetics, Cytology and Plant Physiology.
- Practical & Seminar: A botany department conduct practical and seminar to cultivates experience knowledge about plant, their importance & conservation.
- Application: Botany plan includes the knowledge about the how to apply plant sciences and microbiology in manufacturing and how to use biotechnology techniques to explore plant biology.
- Assessment: A botany department may use the Graduate Record Exam of Major and Minor paper to assess how well students have mastered the course work.
Study Material
Department provides wide range of study material, which includes –
- Textbook/ Reference books are provided to learn various content of botany.
- Teaching Aids- Botany teachers use a variety of teaching aids including charts, smart class, online platform &Audio-visual technology.
- Laboratory equipment including microscopes, glassware, digital balances, specimens, permanent slides, herbarium to learn botany.
Program & Course Outcomes
- Understanding plant diversity.
- Getting knowledge of practical work.
- Applying knowledge on basic life science to understand plants.
- Using modern techniques.
- Applying knowledge for societal upliftment by understanding health, environment issues & food scarcity.
- Identifying & classifying plants.
- Preparing &viewing specimens.
- Isolating fungi, Algae and plant pathogens.
- Estimating floral components.
- Getting knowledge for conserving plant world.
Departmental Seminar & Workshop
- The botany department has organised some seminar as per to study about plants & it's importance in the environment which contain following events till now:
- Organised a Seminar on World Science Day on 28th Feb, 2024 topic - "Nutrition & Dietic”.
- Organised a seminar on Science Education Day On 14th March, 2024 topic – “Orientation on Research & Development”.
- Organised a seminar with field work on World Forest Day on 21st March, 2024. Topic “Awareness to save Trees”.
- Organised a seminar on World Earth Day on 22nd April 2024. Topic “Awareness about global warming and Environment protection”.
- Organised a seminar on World Environment Day on 24th June 2024 and 26th June 2024. Topic “Plantation and Manual Naming of Campus Plants.
- Organised a seminar with Field Work on Environmental benefits and safety measures on 2nd September 2024. Theme –“EK PED MAA KE NAAM”.
Departmental Library Books: College Library Contain The Textbooks Of Botany And Also Some Reference Books Of Botany Including The Inflibnet. Mail:
Students Progress Report: As The Department Was Recently Est6, The First Semester Report Is Still Pending, Result Will Be Publishing In Near Future.
Faculty Members
Assistant Professor || Department of Botany